
Redeemer Baptist Church is a reformed Baptist church in Gulfport, Mississippi.

Brief Statement of Faith

The most important issue for any community of faith is content, the body of truth that the community affirms. This is reflected in the fact that Christian churches have historically supplemented their commitment to Scripture with creeds, or statements of faith. At Redeemer Church, we are an evangelical, Baptist church holding traditional Baptist beliefs. While no man-made creed or statement of faith has the perfection of the Bible, we believe these convictions to be most clearly set forth in the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. This is a document that has stood the test of time, both in England and in America where it was known as the Philadelphia Confession.

Interested in reading more?

Read our Full Statement of Faith
Statement of Faith

Read our Church Covenant:
Our Promise to You and Each Other

Church Founding Year: 2013